Saturday, June 14, 2008

And Here's Why We End Up Tearing Our Hair Out

In this story, we see the tale of John McCain. He thinks of himself as a firebrand who follows nobody's will but his own. That works out fine in westerns. Heck, "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" and "High Noon" are probably two of my favorite all time movies. But McCain is running for president of a country that is suffering from global over-expectations and a falling dollar. That makes for some pretty darned high oil prices. And while it is nice to think we can magically produce alternative sources, in reality, the world the rest of us live in, those alternatives aren't up to snuff in terms of quantity or quality. They just aren't ready for prime time. So what do we do? Starve ourselves by producing ethanol that uses up as many resources as it saves? Move into tents and migrate with the crops? What, John McCain, do you have in mind? We could use domestic coal for power plants or nuclear power, but those avenues have been shot down by the well meaning idiots of the Global Warming Church. What we could do is drill in ANWR and off the coastal shores. Or are the vacation lives of millionaires in Miami worth more than heating oil and food to the midwest. Just let us know where you put us, John. I won't be holding my breath.
Story here.


Anonymous said...

I completely agree with drilling in ANWR. Lindsey Williams says in his book "The Energy Non-Crisis" that Alaska has enough crude oil to last the United States for the next 200 years. Below is an excerpt of Chapter 13, Why are the Arabs Here?
Now I was deeply suspicious. I found myself going over the conversations I had with that gentleman, time and time again. In my mind's eye I saw bubbles on X-ray photographs, and I compared good and bad welds. I went over and over the things he had told me. I became convinced that, to quote an old saying, all was not right in the State of Denmark.

Then I remembered something else. In my mind I went back to the conversations between Mr. X and Senator Chance, conversations in which I had participated. That had been one and a half years prior to this time, but suddenly I saw tremendous developments relating to some of the things Mr. X had said at the time. I decided I would put some answers to them.

What follows is an approximate recall of the questions and answers betweenSenator Chance and Mr. X, one and a half years earlier. If you like, this is the good old "flashback" method. The questions and answers went like this.

Senator Hugh Chance had asked, "Mr. X, how much oil is there on the North Slope of Alaska?"
"Senator Chance, I'm persuaded there is as much oil as there is in all of Saudi Arabia."

"Then, Mr. X, if there is that much oil there, there is not an energy crisis." (Mr. X's only answer was a smile, implying that Senator Chance had hit the nail on the head.)

"Mr. X, what do you think the Federal government is really out to do?" "Senator, I personally feel that the American government wants to nationalize the oil companies of America."

"Then, Mr. X, if you are so convinced of that fact, have you calculated how long you can remain solvent with present Federal control?"

Mr. X was reluctant to answer at first, but then he looked at Senator Chance and said, "Yes, we are so convinced that in fact we, as oil company executives, have made that calculation."

"Then how much longer do you think you can remain solvent?" "Until the year 1982."

"Then, if what you say is true, why don't you oil companies warn the American people of what is going on? After all, it is your neck that is at stake."

"Senator, we can't afford to tell the truth."

"Why not?"

"Because, Senator, the Federal government already has so many laws passed, and regulations imposed on us as oil companies, that if they decided to enforce these rules they could put us into bankruptcy within six months. Sir, we don't dare tell the truth."

Our government needs to wake up. We need people in Washington, to get Congress to listen to whats going on. A Congressional inquiry needs to be made into the financial raping of the American Peopl.



Ellen K said...

What I don't understand is why the same push for alternative energy hasn't gotten behind the gassification of coal. This proposal has been on the books since the 1970's. I know because we had a speaker talk to my high school science club about it back then. Coal is our most abundant resource. It exists across the nation. With newer mining techniques, destruction can be minimized and sites can be regenerated after retirement. Yet coal is seen as the "bad guy" and nobody will touch it. Environmentalists are painting us in a corner and any creature when cornered will attack. So whatever happens, you can point fingers right at Al Gore and the 'greens'.